Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014

Did you get your pictures taken yesterday? Did you enjoy going on the photo scavenger hunt? Why do you think I had you take those types of pictures?
I did take my pictures yesterday. I did not enjoy it because it was pretty boring to be honest. I had no fun. I really don't have any a clue why we did this. I guess maybe it is our new unit but I am not sure. I just not that in to picture taking. I wonder when we are going to do presentations. Well, I hope we do them at some point because I want to know how mine turned out

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

What do you know about photography? When you take pictures what kind of camera do you use? Do you use your cell phone? Do you own a digital camera that is not your cell phone? Explain
I do not take pictures but I don't really want to because is not in my blood. I do however own a digital coolpix camera but I don't really use it. I have a cell phone but I don't have it with me all the time so I don't really take any pictures on it. 

Monday, March 24, 2014


March 24, 2014

Welcome back! How was your Spring Break? Tell me all about it. You've been out of school for 10 days so I know you will have plenty to share. Make it good!
I went Las Vegas for vacation. It was pretty fun and I did a lot of things, like I watched the fountain show at Belagio, saw the Blue Men Group and went to the Hoover Dam. I stayed at the Hilton Grand View. I flew there on two Saturdays ago it was a very urban city and looked awesome at night. Although the buffet was not that good though. The food was not delicious. But still it was a fun vacation. I got back home on Friday night. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014

Prepare yourself... I want you to really THINK about this blog post. I mean really use your brain. What is the significance of an infographic? What is the point of pairing graphics and information together? What can this have on a reader or viewer. EXPLAIN.
Documents are just a piece of paper with words. The reader will be very bored with the documents and will lose interest. With Infographics it will have visual thus the reader will not only be informed but they will also have interest.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4, 2014

If you had the option of writing a 3 page paper or creating an infographic - which one would you choose? Explain yourself.
I would rather create a 3 paged paper. Infographics are a lot more work and harder, because they don't always work are not Microsoft PowerPoint.